In (God) We Trust
(Video by Drew Walker)
The debate on whether the government should support a separation of church and state by removing references to God on national monuments, buildings, and money, which is found in the First Amendment, has more than likely been an issue ever since the amendment was made.
In 1956, Congress passed a resolution stating that “IN GOD WE TRUST” is the motto of the United States. The motto was then added to paper money beginning in 1957. Those who are against the amendment believe that it is a direct violation to the Constitution and goes against the separation of the church and state. Those for the amendment say that the motto does not reference a specific religion, but could be tied to all religions. Therefor, there is nothing necessarily wrong with it.
I would have to side with the 5% that believe the reference to God should be taken off of buildings, monuments, and money, but not waste the money to get rid of the references that are already present. Considering that the United States is a very diverse country with many different religions and opinions, I believe it would be less of a headache to just keep religious views out of governmental affairs. I believe this because I could see how anyone could think that the word God is directly tied to Christianity only, since the original government of the United States was mostly founded by men from different branches of Christianity. Instead of having to deal with arguments and more social issues, why not just get rid of the subject completely so that there would be one less social issue for people to have to debate over?
Madelyn Guinn • May 18, 2016 at 1:54 pm