The Driveway
October 28, 2021
I pulled into the driveway
The driveway that I once found comfort in
The driveway that holds more memories than I know
The driveway that has seen more than my eyes have
The driveway that belongs to the place I once called home
I looked out the windshield into the navy blue lit yard
The memories flooded
The Easter memories
The Thanksgiving memories
The summer memories
The memories of a place I thought was home
I walked up the stone walkway and onto the porch
The place I once called home
The place I once found comfort in
Has become the abhorrence of life
The disdain of memories
The disavowing of “family is everything”
A hatred
A hatred of going back to this domicile every… single… night…
A hatred of red-eyes
A hatred of C
A hatred I don’t think will ever go away