Twitter Takeover

May 24, 2022

With Elon Musk being worth $219 billion dollars, it’s safe to say he has a pretty big budget; enough to run a space company and just casually buy Twitter. Yes, that’s right. Out of nowhere, Musk dropped a 44 billion dollar purchase for the company. Musk declared his intent to buy the company on April 14, but his proposal was quickly dismissed by Wall Street because it was unclear if he could come up with the money to do the deal.

Musk is now expected to become the company’s standing CEO. With Musk’s return, former U.S. President Donald Trump is to return to the platform when Musk takes over. Trump was permanently suspended from Twitter last year. “Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated,” Musk said in a statement.

With Musk taking over, It sounds like he is going to try and make Twitter a place that is more freethinking with less hate. Musk plans to change many things the site has to offer, such as the cryptocurrency scam, the potential release of an edit button to tweets, and opening up the option for the use of an algorithm to be turned on and off.

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