One Book, Two Book, Red Book, Blue Book

March 11, 2016

Dr. Seuss Read-In
With each new day comes a new opportunity for students and staff alike to come together. The Dr. Seuss Read In was set up to bring students of Martinsville High School together to meet and get to know each other better as well as to meet some of their favorite authors. The Read In consisted of everything from meals and reading to a tour of the public library and an opportunity to hang out with some authors of books in the Rosie program.

The Dr. Seuss Read In was set up by Mrs. Susan Parker and Mrs. Carri Randall to accomplish several tasks. Students had the opportunity to meet authors Alan Gratz, who wrote Samurai Shortstop and Prisoner B-3087; AG Howard, author of the Splintered series; and Mike Mullin, who wrote the Ashfall series.

Also, there was a series of activities for the students who attended the Read In. On March 4th, they met in the IMC at 2:45 after school for attendance before departing for a tour of the Morgan County Public Library. At 5:15, the group returned to the school and were provided with dinner at 6:00 p.m.

Beginning at 7:00 p.m., hangouts with the authors took place. Students then had a snack at 9:00 p.m. and then read from 9:00 to lights out. At 7:30 a.m. on March 5th, students were given breakfast and were then picked up by parents at 9:00 a.m.

While many of the activities were provided for, students had to bring their own pillows, sleeping bags, and reading materials for the evening stay.

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